
Nurses: A Voice to Lead-A Vision for Holistic Healthcare


2021年10月3日(週日) Oct. 3, 2021(Sun)






(一) 本次論文發表會,公開徵求分場研討會(concurrent presentation)與海報展示 (poster presentation)論文摘要。
(二) 徵稿主題:
  1. 成人護理
  2. 護理領導與管理
  3. 婦幼健康護理
  4. 實證健康照護
  5. 精神衛生護理
  6. 護理教育
  7. 護理工作環境
  8. 社區護理
  9. 急重症暨災難護理
  10. 中醫護理
  11. 手術全期護理
  12. 病人安全與照護品質
  13. 慢性病照護
  14. 癌症護理
  15. 老人及長照護理
  16. 其他
(三) 投稿注意事項
  1. 每位發表者限投一篇,發表者可以採用中文或英文發表。中文發表者須附中文摘要一份;英文發表者須附英文摘要一份。
  2. 論文摘要稿僅接受原著研究(original research)及系統性回顧(systematic review)兩種,恕不接受個案報告及護理專案報告。
  3. 投稿時需上傳著作權讓渡書親筆簽名檔,獲錄取後其摘要著作財產權將轉移於台灣護理學會,以數位方式出版,惟作者本人仍保有投稿其他刊物之權利,但摘要內容不得完全相同。
  4. 完成線上投稿後,不得更換發表者或增加共同作者。
  5. 分場發表時間每位報告15分鐘,現場聽眾提問及討論5分鐘。
  6. 海報論文摘要經評選優異者,將被推薦參加「優良護理研究海報論文獎」評選。
(四) 摘要格式
  1. 摘要請以結構方式書寫,內容包括:中、英文主題;研究目的;研究方法;研究結果;以及護理實務應用等部份,並且檢附3-5個關鍵詞,字數不得超過500字。
  2. 不論發表語言,皆須書寫中文及英文論文題目。除冠詞、介系詞及連接詞少於4個字母外,英文題目中每一英文字之第一個字母均為大寫。
  3. 請參考APA 格式書寫。若統計數據永遠不可能大於1時,則小數點前不加「0」(如r = .43, p < .05)。
  4. 發表者可以選擇分場發表(concurrent presentation)或海報展示(poster presentation)。預定分場發表者請依發表語言提供中文或英文簡歷。
  5. 摘要內容請依規定格式書寫,並不得呈現作者姓名及服務單位。資料不全或格式不符者,恕不受理。


  1. 每篇稿件均採雙盲匿名審查,並且由初審委員依據論文整體性品質、對學術之貢獻、對護理之影響等條件進行評審。符合資格者,將被接受至大會中進行口頭或海報論文發表;海報論文摘要表現優異者,將被推薦參加「優良護理研究海報論文獎」評選。
  2. 「優良護理研究海報論文獎」評分項目包括:內容、海報製作及現場答詢。




  1. 國內限本會110年度活動會員(已繳交會費者),於投稿網站驗證後得由線上投稿,敬請務必提前確認為活動會員,以免無法順利投稿,影響您的權益。稿件接受後將統一由學會為發表者報名參加大會發表。稿件被接受且已報名者,若無故未到場發表,則取消未來三年(111年至113年)投稿本會護理研究論文發表資格。
  2. 國內外籍人士(國際學生),上網逕行登錄後投稿。稿件被接受後,於110年8月10日前回覆確認稿件之電子郵件並報名,完成繳交報名費500元台幣,始得參加大會發表。

聯絡人:台灣護理學會 顧淑芳專員

Taiwan Nurses Association
The 37th Annual Nursing Research Conference
Call for Abstract
“Nurses: A Voice to Lead-A Vision for Holistic Healthcare”

The 37th Annual Nursing Research Conference, organized by Taiwan Nurses Association, will be held online on Oct 3, 2021. All overseas nursing student studying in Taiwan are welcomed to submit their abstracts. Papers may be presented in podium or poster. Please read through each section carefully prior to submitting an abstract. Submission deadline is extended until June 30, 2021.


General Information


Call for all types of nursing research abstracts, including original research and systematic review. Case reports and project reports are not accepted for consideration.


Each presenter is only allowed to submit ONE abstract.


In addition to the abstract, a profile for each author (contact and biographical information) is required(concurrent presentation only).


Please submit your paper through the online system at https://yousa.co/anrc37


General Submission Guideline


Abstract can only be submitted in either Chinese or English.


All abstract and presentation materials must be in compliance with copyright laws.


Abstract format
■ Text is limited to 500 words.
■ Structured Abstract, the text includes:
(a) Title
(b) Purpose
(c) Methods
(d) Results
(e) Implications for practice
(f) Key words: 3-5 keywords


The first letter of all words in English topic titles must be capitalized with the exception of articles, prepositions, and conjunctions less than 4 letters in length.


Oral or Poster Presentation


Topics for submission:

  1. Adult Nursing
  2. Nursing Leadership & Management
  3. Maternal and Child Health Nursing
  4. Evidence-Based Health Care
  5. Mental Health Nursing
  6. Nursing Education
  7. Nursing Work Environment
  8. Community Nursing
  9. Critical Care & Disaster Nursing
  10. Chinese Medical Nursing
  11. Perioperative Nursing Care
  12. Patient Safety and Quality of Care
  13. Chronic Care Nursing
  14. Oncology Nursing
  15. Geriatric & Long Term Care Nursing
  16. Others


Power point support (computer) will be available for oral presentations.


Each accepted oral presentation will be restricted to 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for a question and answer dialogue with the audience.


Abstract acceptance notification will be announced on Aug. 2nd at http://www.twna.org.tw.


If the abstract submitted by international student (studying in Taiwan) is accepted for presentation, it is required to confirm the manuscript via e-mail and register before Aug. 10. The prepaid registration fee of NT$ 500 is a must.

Shu-Fang Ku
Specialist, Professional Development Division
Taiwan Nurses Association
Tel: +8862-2755-2291 ext 34
Fax: +8862-2325-8652
Add: 4F, 281 Hsin-Yi Road Section 4, Taipei 106, Taiwan

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